

During the month of Christmas, i went to many places with church caroling team.. Although i had sore throat and had to take Strepsils throughout the whole month, i had a great time with the caroling team.. We went to places such as Subang Parade, Old Folks Home (I was MIA), Pantai FBC, Tanjung Sepat, Tropicana Morning Glory, Kota Kemuning and USJ 11..

I think our church carol team have improved significantly.. At 1st when i joined the carol team, i was shocked by the songs that we had to sing.. Most of the songs are quite new to most of us, it's not the usual christmas song that u will hear in ur Christmas CD.. But i thank Lord that we have a teacher who is patience enough to teach us to sing the songs, i thank Lord for having a few good pianists in our church, i thank Lord for having a good pair of carol team co-ordinators, they work perfectly 2gether and lastly thank U Lord for every1's effort.. I believe we did our best in spreading UR good news..

Alrite, enough for words, let's c some pictures taken from facebook..

Subang Parade session..

I was only moving my lips, i lose my voice in this session therefore i couldn't sing..

FBC Subang sunday worship..

On our way to Tanjung Sepat..

Group picture taken in Tanjung Sepat..

Tropicana Morning Glory..


The group pic taken in church, after counting down to Christmas..

Had a great time in this Christmas, definitely not an ordinary 1, quite special in fact.. Praise the Lord.. Amen..



Day 12 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

I totally forgot what we did on Day 12.. So, I shall share some pics taken during this 1 whole month of BOOTCAMP..

Our session starts at 5.45am, dat's y it's so dark..

Our super clean shoes b4 the session..

As abv, our shirts are always soaking wet and dirty..

Benny posing... I wonder wat's on his left?

Shane posing.. Somethin on his left oso...

Act cool...

Wah.. Show muscles..

Day 12 was one of the toughest, i can rmb we had to wave a super huge and heavy rope.. Overall, day 12 was to train our upper body.. Had a tiring but fun workout, last workout of the month! DELTA next month? Hopefully.. Haha..




Day 11 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

I'll make it real short.. Lazy to elaborate..

We were divided into 3 groups with 3 different workouts..

2 ranks, 1 rank stay and do the required workouts such as Jack Knife and Push-ups while the other rank sprint.. 2 ranks take turn to do the workout and sprinting..

Jump squats -> situps -> pushups -> sealjacks -> getups -> torso stretch -> elbows to ground-> frogjump.. The whole process was repeated until the instructor told us 2 stop!

Oops I forgot.. Sorry....



Day 9 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

Today was Bring A Friend Day! But i dint bring any as i 4got bout it..

Today's workout was one of the toughest. There were ard 55 of us and we were divided into 11 groups and 11 stations. Each station had different types of workouts, and each group will stay at 1 station for around 30 seconds before moving to the next station.

For the 11 stations, the workouts included:
*Military push-ups
*Militray sit-ups
*Jack Knife with 'rifle'
*Shoulder push-ups
*Squat with sand bag
*Squat with huge rope
*Shoulder exercise with rope
*Star jump
*Squat jump
And a few more which i forgot.
After each station, we had 10 seconds recovery time before moving to the next station.

After the 11 stations, we were given a short water break before moving on to the next workout. For the next workout, we did various exercise which included plank, squat jump and so on. While 10 groups doing the workouts at their respective stations, 1 group had to sprint pass all the stations, if any member of the 10 groups was caught cheating, the sprinting group had to do 1 more round.

It was one of the toughest workout session, but i do like the sprinting part. Haha.
Had a great workout session. It's day 9 already, 3 more sessions to go!


Day 8 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

Not so HOOYAH today...

Went Penang for 1 day trip yesterday. As a result, was too tired to wake up this morning. Real sorry to all my fellow recruits in the BOOTCAMP..

C u guys on saturday morning..



Day 7 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

Another tough day at the BOOTCAMP!

Started with warm up, we were later divided according to ranks, Deltas, Seals, and Rangers. There were 3 well-prepared circuits which are:
*Monster big rope + 150 litres plastic oil barrel
*Sandbag + sprint
*Abs training

Monster big rope + 150 litres plastic oil barrel
For this exercise, we had to drag a super huge rope on 1 shoulder and sprint to another end which was ard 50m away. After sprinting, we had to push a 150 litres oil barrel for ard 20m. While waiting for our turns, we had to do various workouts which include military push-ups, military sit-ups, Jack Knife, plank, squat jump and so on.

Sandbag + sprint
We were again separated into 2 ranks. While 1 rank had to perform various exercises using sandbags, another rank had to sprint from point A to point B. We were sprinting very hard and i was kinda tired after this workout. Instead of just sprinting, we were also asked to bear-walk, crab-walk and so on.

Abs training
Finally, the last circuit which focused on abs. We did military sit-ups, monk sit-ups, side sit-ups, scissor leg crossing and a few more. After 2 sets, it was time to call it a day.

As usual, we ended our day with warm down and stretches. Had a great day working out. Hopefully thursday will be much challenging! HOOYAH!



Day 6 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

The previous session involved sand bag, today was TYRE DAY. All our workouts involved tyres.

1st, we were split to 2 groups. The 1st workout my grp did was pulling a huge tractor's tyre. The 1st pull was easy, i did not felt anythin. The 2nd onwards was a bit tiring but stil quite ok as i'm not the 1st or the last person pulling the rope, so the effect was less.

The 2nd workout involved a smaller tyre. 4 person in 1 team, each of us took turns to flip the tyre to and fro. While waiting for our turn, we had to do other workouts as instructed by our trainers.

Today's session was quite interesting, but i think the main focus today was leg muscles, so i'm not feeling the pain as my leg muscles are stronger compared to upper body.

Overall, nice workout, had a good session. It's Day 6 already, i'm half way there. Looking 4ward to the next half!




Day 5 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

As usual, warmed up and we were separated into 2 ranks, Alpha and Bravo.

Today was sand bags day. We had a competition between the 2 teams and the losing team had to do 30 grunts. I was in team Alpha and thank God we won. Haha.. No need to do the 30 grunts.

After the competition, each of us had to carry a sand bag. Using the sand bags, we did 4 sets of squats, 4 sets of push ups and 4 sets of abs exercise.

Well, that summarize it all. Lazy to elaborate. Looking forward to Day 6. HOOYAH!



Day 4 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

Coughing my way to the day 4 of BOOTCAMP.

Today, same as usual, we started with the same warm up routine and were divided into 2 big groups. The 2 big groups would perform 2 different routines at the same time and inter change after the 1st routine was finished.

Shane and I was in the same group and the 1st routine includes:
*Squat (12 repitations for Rangers, 14 for Seals and 16 for Deltas).
*Military sit-ups.

On top of that, we had to perform those routines by carrying our heavy "rifles" (not real rifles thou, just some huge tubes with sands in it). I did those routines in a very fast speed and ended up doing a total of 4 sets including the 1st try out while others mostly did 3sets. Aiks..

The 2nd routine seemed pretty fun, it includes:
*Squat + jump + high 5 with ur partner.
*Mr. Miyagi 1 or Car Wash 1
*Mr. Miyagi 2 or Car Wash 2
*Mr. Miyagi 3 or Car Wash 3

Sounds interesting rite? Mr. Miyagi... Car Wash... To perform that, we had to position our palms with partners' palms. By staying on that position, turn our hands inward. 2nd is outward. 3rd is up and down. It looks like playing Wing Chun with ur partner, and it was tiring, especially the arms.

And, as usual, our workout ended with warm down and a chant of



Day 2 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooyah!

Having just recovered from fever, i had doubts on attending BOOTCAMP. In the end, i've made up my mind and decided to GO! Although it's raining, the spirit was high, couldn't wait 2 experience the 1st real BOOTCAMP training. We reached thr ard 5.30am and the trainers were already thr, standing under the rain. We waited in our cars for a few minutes before joining them.

The training started by warming up, which was same as the 1st day warm up. After the warm up, we were divided according to ranks. Delta is the highest, Seals the 2nd and Rangers the 3rd. Thr were only ard 10ppl selected as Deltas, meanwhile i was selected as Seal (not bad ma). For these 3 diff ranks, the workouts are mostly the same but the intensities are diff. Delta is the toughest, Seal 2nd and so on.

Below is a list of some workouts dat we did dis morning (yes! just some! couldn't recall the others):

*King kong push ups
*Grunge ( 2 types - one ended with jumps, the othr ended with stands)
*Push ups (1 hand off the ground when reach the top)
*Normal push ups
*Military sit ups
*Legs and hands raise sit ups
*Spider crawl

For most of the workouts, we had to repeat for 8 sets. Some workouts we had to repeat for 9 and 10 sets, absolutely torturing!

During the last workout, my abs muscle cramped. It was the worst cramp ever, i could not stand up properly and had to lay on the field for a few minutes b4 the cramp ended. What a way 2 end my Day 2 of BOOTCAMP!

Throughout the training, the sky did not give way as it rained for whole session. My eyes could hardly open for some workouts, and at some point i felt like vomitting, not sure whether due to my sickness or due to lack of fitness.

Anyway, had a great Day 2. Although is really torturing, i think the results will be fast. Looking forward to next session. Hopefully it will be less torturing. Haha.


Day 1 of BOOTCAMP.. Hooya!

The night before, i got so excited and couldn't sleep. As a result, i managed to sleep for only an hour and took off for the training which starts at 5.45am.

By 5.25am, i reached Padang Astaka, PJ and the instructors are already there setting up the training ground by placing cones ard the field. The sky was stil dark, sun was stil sleeping but my body and legs were itchy already, can't wait to get a taste of the BOOTCAMP training. Fred, Shane and I collected our BOOTCAMP shirts, get changed and started our warm up under the guidance of 7 instructors. The most interesting instructor is of course, the main instructor who is ranked as Sarjan. Why is he so interesting? Have a look at the pic below:

(pics taken from fb)

Yes, with his moustache and beard and well built physique, instantly i thought of Gerard Butler from 300 as i think they really look alike. He made us feel that the training today will be as tough as hell!

For warm up, what we did was jogging, side steps, forward lunges, reverse lunges and some stretches. After warm up, we were separated into 2 big groups and get to know 1 partner each. My partner was Tim, a 6-foot tall mat salleh who has joined this program since June.

Today is the 1st training of the month, and for every 1st training, assessment will be done. The assessment?
* 400m run
* 10 push ups
* 10 grunges (may spelled wrongly)
* 15 sit ups

Seems ok rite? But the abv is only considered as 1 set, we have to do 3sets continuously within 15minutes.

For new recruits like us, we were given the chance to do 1st. Ready, get set and off we go! Running was easy for me, i ran the 1st 400m with ease, and the 1st set was well done. 2nd set i started to slow down, and for the 3rd set, i have to walk a lil. Ish. I managed to finish 1st among the new new recruits, my time was 12minutes flat.

Next up are seniors like Tim. He ran the 1st 400m with great speed. He did all the push ups, sit ups in just a sec. He was dam fast. I thought he would slow down in 2nd or 3rd set but he did not. He just did the 3 sets continuously without slacking and same as the other seniors. Incredible! He finished 1st in 7+minutes. Super super fast. But what suprised me the most is that the person who came last in the seniors assessment was actually faster than me! This shows how unfit we are (the new recruits).

After the 3sets assessments, we have to run 1 mile as the last assessment. The 1st to finish is of course, Tim the mat salleh in 7+min. Meanwhile i finished in 9+min.

After all the assessments, i guess most of us were quite tired, especially the new recruits. We ended our training by warming down and a shout of HOOYA! Reminisce me of the chant from 300.

The training also reminds me of my primary skool days where i used to wake up early in the morning and train with my coach and running mates. It is challenging and I LIKE IT!