It's been quite a long time since i last updated this blog and finally, I'm taking some time to update it. While I'm typing this, I'm actually chatting with the one and only special person who have been through all the ups and downs with me throughout the year of 2011. It's been a wonderful year having her by my side and i want to tell her (though I've told her, nice things worth repeating rite?):
Sorry for all the sad and difficult moments I've given u.
Sorry for my lack of patience and my "shiong-ness" at times.
Thank You
Thank you for ur patience, ur time and ur effort.
Thank you for all the sweet and wonderful moments u've given to me.
Thank you for being with me as always, supporting me and loving me.
I Love You
I love you and let us continue to seek for HIS guidance.
I love you and let us grow old lovingly and gracefully, 2gether :)
<3 Happy 8 Monthiversary <3

(more updates coming soon, stay tuned :p)
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