My 1st 12.3km of the year.
My 2nd Men's Health Run, the 1st was last year's (click).
My 3rd night run, the 1st was MH 2009, the 2nd was Energizer Run.
My 4th run of the year, after Energizer Run, SCKLIM and Siemens Run.
My time for this year's Men's Health 12.3km run is 1 hour 24 min but my target was 1 hour 15 min, so i'm off target.. Haih.. But stil, glad that i finished without much injury, although i hurt my left knee and my right thigh muscles cramped. Haha...
The goodies bags were good!!! Very very good, plz hv a look:

(pic taken from Wilson)
Alrite, lazy to elaborate any longer.. As always,