Hey yo! Finally i'm free 2 sit down n blog about the run.. Haha..
Did i get a medal? Did i finish on time? Wat was my placing?
6.20am - I reach
Lake Garden, found a place 2 park my car then went straight to the gather place.. I've 2 admit that the scenery, the atmosphere was totally different from yesterday's.. As i walk towards the gather place, i saw so many participants that look very professional.. Some very tall, some very dark skin (
they run frequently?), some mat salleh (
mat salleh always look very pro), some negro (
no need to say la k? they make running seems so easy), some very muscular (
from army?).. Haih.. It does affects my self confidence after i saw so many runners.. Never mind, i did wat i did, i trained wat i trained, let's just go ahead n run the race..
6.40am - I said a prayer, asking
Lord Jesus to give me strength and protect me from any injuries during the run..
6.50am - I prayed again.. Maybe cos i'm kinda nervous..
7.02am - The race officially started and everyone cheers as they start the run.. I have to admit that during the start of the race, i was the one chasing them.. Basically, wat i did was trying to keep up the pace and run with them cos they were running quite fast..
7.25am - Run with their pace for 20minutes, starting to get a bit tired, then i saw a sign - 4km.. Yay! I ran 4km in 23 minutes, for me it's kinda good, i just have 2 run with this pace and i might run faster then 1 hour 30minutes for 15km..
7.37am - 6km sign appeared right in front of me.. Ok! Shakelingam! Keep up! Gambateh!
7.50am - I ran around 8km.. We were running up a hill (
Bukit Tunku area), the road starting to become more difficult.. I was struggling as i ran up the hill, then i saw the 1st ever female runner that overtook me.. Wow! they started 15 minutes later then male runners but the 1 managed to run passed me.. Guess wat's written behind her vest!?
POWERED BY JESUS! Inspirational!
8.17am - 12km gone! Woohoo! 3 more 3 more.. My muscles were burning and my pace became slower, but i kept running and praying..
8.37am - This is the time when i crossed the finish line.. Yes! I finished the race in 1 hour 35minutes, slightly better then the qualifying time of 1 hour 40minutes.. Thank God! I went to collect my most awaited medal and some goodies.. After having some free Milo and Yakult, i went home, took bath and went to church.. Hehe..
Well, i can conclude that this race was not easy.. Have to thank all the other runners that run faster then me as i kept chasing them and improve my pace.. Thank God for bringing me home safely without injuring myself and managed to get a medal.. Finally, thanks to all shakelingam frns who supported me.. Next race? KL marathon! Let us run together!
The medal

Some items from goodies bag..
Nivea deodorant! Cos we were too smelly after running?