Wat's that?
It's Astro On Demand.. For the nex 2 months, i'll be talking about AOD daily (mon-fri and alternate sat)..
Sounds scary n tiring rite?
No choice le since it's my new job.. Basically, my job is to call, call, call n call astro customers 2 promote AOD..
Wat's my job title?
Business Processing Outsources (sounds pro rite? act it's jus telemarketer la).. Hehe.. Got basic salary + commission + incentives.. Shakelingam man.. The not so shakelingam part is dealing with troublesome customers and facing rejections..
Haih.. No sales will make us feel down, when we feel down, we no mood to make sales.. Not easy.. Really have 2 keep ourselves in buoyant mood so that we can influence our customers and subscribe AOD (buy buy buy!!)..
So.. Wat r the 10 most effective ways 2 put myself in good mood?
TOP 10:
10. Clubbing? (not 4 me..)
9. Yum cha(u free?)..
8. Listen 2 music..
7. Sweat it out(jogging, etc)..
6. Watch movie(comedy =))..
5. Sleep!! (Zzzz.....)
Finally.. Number 1 is..
Close my eyes n jus pray.. Haha.. Nothin is above God, everything is under His control.. So i guess i don hv 2 worry so much n leave it 2 God..

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