Hi all, I'm here taking some time out to update my blog again :) Yay! I'm not writing much cos I'm lazy but let the pictures do all the talking ba ;)
The SUPER Cast
So, who took part in this Penang trip?? They are:

The superman and superwoman (feel sweet when writing this)

The super boys (feel old when calling them boys)

The super XDT (feel farnie)

The super UTARians
The SUPER Stay
Got to know this place during the last trip (recommended by Sze Yun and Hon Sern). My dearest and I did not hesitate to book this place again as it's cheap, cozy and comfortable.
Red Inn Penang (picture taken from: http://www.redinnpenang.com/)
It's located at Love Lane (Nice name, nice place)
4 Bed Dorm at RM30 per bed
For the first day we stayed at Red Inn Penang (Love Lane) then we checked out the other day and moved to Red Inn Cabana which was ard 5 min away. They have informed us earlier when we were booking and i had this in mind: Red Inn Cabana sounds kinda old to me, its room condition must be very bad de. I was quite reluctant to book Red Inn Cabana but gave in at the end, and I never regret that! :)
The only pic we took but i can assure you that the place is worth your stay :)
If u want me to give this trip another name, I'll name it Eat, Sleep, Run but there's nothing wrong about it right?? Come Penang must makan la XD

Bangkok Lane Mee Goreng (RM5 per plate)

Chulia Street Wan Tan Mee (RM2.70 per plate, cheap and nice :)

Chulia Street Curry Mee (RM3 per bowl, but not as spicy as previous trip)

Penang Road Laksa and Chendol (had these after marathon, feel super super refreshing :)
The SUPER Marathon
Stay tuned for the marathon post :)