Keane: "NUS hv everythin 1, they provide all the facilities so u don hv 2 go out of the campus dat often. All they want is 4 u 2 study hard."
Dat's wat he kept saying 4 a few times which i kinda agree.. Anyway, it's a nice campus (compared to UTAR KL campus which only has ping pong tables. *shaking my head* haih)..
5th Dec
Early in the morning Keane n i join the touch rugby trainin.. It's my 1st time playin touch rugby, any comment? SHAKELINGAM!! but i think i prefer the real rugby.. Haha..
After breakfast, we took mrt to City Hall n hv a walk ard Esplanade n the malls ard it.. We hd lunch, came back n Sleep!! Haha..
Dinner time, Lai Shan n Yee Wah brought us to Chinatown, Sam joined us 2.. After dinner, we hd a walk ard Clark Quay.. 2bad we were wearing shorts, if not can club 4 a while.. Haha..
6th Dec
Keane told us thr's dis place call Queensway Mall which sells many sports stuff.. Since 3 of us r quite into sports, so we decided to go hv a look..
Results? It does exist!! It's like LowYat of M'sia but Queensway sells super super lots of sports stuff.. Wanted 2 buy shoes, but thr 2 many choices so i jus bought a running pants instead 4 the marathon.. Haha..
Dinner? Some restaurant in Clamenti.. We bought some stuff as 2moro's breakfast.. Runnin 42.195km.. Hope i wont faint.. =(
7th Dec
Jo n i woke up late, thank God we booked a cab so we don hv 2 wait.. But guess wat!? The cab=Mercedes Benz.. Cool man.. We're sitting on a luxurious car goin 4 the marathon, sudd feel like VIP.. Haha..
5.30am, dat's when my 1st marathon starts.. Dis year, thr's a total of 50000 participants.. 4 the fu

ll marathon, 42.195km, thr's 15000 participants.. Walao.. Geng man..
<--7early 8 early ppl mountain ppl sea..
The ppl thr can really run, especially the africans.. Well, i only get 2 c them twice, once not long after the race started.. The 2nd time i c them, the africans r running towards the finishing line d.. Geng!!
<-- The winner!! 2hours 13minutes for 42.195km.. GENG!!
Me? The 1st 2hours was ok.. But after dat, blister, hardly can run, so i walked.. It took me 6hours 2 finish 42.195km.. Kinda bad but thank God i dint faint.. Nex time i'll run 4hours plus.. SUPERMAN!!
After the run, suppose 2 meet up wif Jolene but couldn't find her.. Stayed thr til 1 somethin til Victoria came n find Jo 2gether.. Vic n i tried 2 find but couldn't found..
<--The church..
Victoria:"Hey thr's a church, we go inside n find! U pray la wei.."
Of cos, i prayed n i got a cal frm Lai Shan..
I was thinkin:'This better b good..' Thank God, it's good, Jo is bac at NUS, scare us.. Haha.. So Vic n i go makan, n bac 2 NUS..
To Victoria: Thanks a lot!! If it wasn't u, i dono i'll b stuck in dat place 4 how long.. Haha..
Nite, Keane, Ks, Jo n i go Prince George Park to hv dinner (it's in NUS).. Cant bliv they hv a place like condos 4 stud 2 stay.. Nice environment, far more better den Melati Utama dat we used 2 stay..
To Ks: U r officially a SUPERBUTT SHAKELINGAM!! Haha..
8th Dec
We woke up super late.. Pack our stuff n head 2
Sentosa!! YEAH!! Hd a walk in Sentosa, played the luge, quite fun but it

was kinda short.. Below r some pics:
<-- The luge (i don know any1 frm dis pic)..
<--We've 2 take the Skyride b4 playin the luge.
<--Mr. Keane n Mr. Superman..
<-- F4?
<-- MV Doulus leavin sg..
<--In front of Merlion..
<-- Songs of The Sea.. Quite nice..
9th Dec
The final day in Sg.. Packed our stuff n say GOOD BYE 2 Singapore.. It was a nice trip :)
<--Keane lend me this pair of shoes.. Not used 2 it n got blister while runnin marathon.. Dai sei la me.. Haha.. Anyway, Thanks.. =)
<--On Aeroline bus, goin back KL..
To Keane, Wei Liang, Lai Shan, Yee Wah, Victoria:"Thank u very much!! C u nex year? Haha.."